More from Amy Sherman:
Blessed is he who has regard for the poor. – Psalm 41:1
God’s concern for the poor is no footnote in scripture; no mere afterthought. It is a central, pervasive theme. Over 400 verses – sprinkled throughout every genre of scripture, from the Law to the wisdom literature and the prophets to the Gospels and the epistles – speak about God’s passion for the needy and His desire that His followers share that passion. One researcher decided to physically cut out, with scissors, every reference in scripture to God’s heart for the poor. He ended up with a very “hole-y” Bible indeed; it was literally shot through with holes! Whenever we are passionate about something, we talk about it often. God, through His Word, speaks frequently about the poor and needy. Undoubtedly, He has “regard for the poor” – and wants us to as well.

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