Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to Receive the Good News

A Shepherd’s Story

Love INC of the Kenai Peninsula December 2009 newsletter

Almost everyone knows the story: “And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.” (Luke 2:8 NIV) We realize that they were the first to receive the Good News – a supernatural, glory-filled announcement of the birth of Messiah! We wish we could have been a shepherd that night, taken by surprise by the appearance of angels and hear the multitude announce Christ’s birth.

But we don’t often think about the kind of life shepherd lived at the time of the Savior’s birth. They were not the envy of society! They often slept with their animals to keep them safe from harm. That’s admirable, yes, but implications include cold nights, fleas and other vermin. Shepherds were poor, and didn’t know how to do much else.

Most of us don’t think about the poor any more than we do about the shepherds. We may have a fleeting concern when we see someone walking along the road on a cold day; or someone shivering, without a coat in a store parking lot. Although we live in a warm climate, but for the poor – a slight drop in the temperature is a lot. We let the concern dissipate quickly when we say a fleeting prayer and continue our business at hand.

That’s not what Jesus did. Jesus’ concern for the poor far outweighed his concerns for people who, like most of us, live in abundance. If he had chosen to be born in this day and age, he would not give us as much attention as the poor around us.

“Wait a minute,” you might be thinking, “of course he would have reached out to us, he loves everyone equally and unconditionally, how did you come up with that idea?” Would you be surprised to learn that it comes from scripture? Consider the following:

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor…..” (Luke 4:19, quoting Isaiah 61:1)

"The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor." (Matthew 11:5b, Luke7:22b)

So while it’s true that God loves us all, he wants to especially bless those who have a heart for the poor, and who walk in obedience:

“All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do.” (Galatians 2:10)

If you love me, you will obey what I command…Whoever hears my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him…If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 15:15, 21, 23)

The Christmas account relates that “…when they [the shepherds] had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.” (Luke 2:18) We can all be shepherds. We can all receive the Good News and tell others. We can reach out to the poor in many ways. Love INC offers many avenues to do just that. Call to find out how – who knows, you may be God’s answer to our prayers!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Custom Goodsearch Toolbar

We have something new and exciting we'd like to share with you! It's the new Love in the Name of Christ - Love INC - Brownsville toolbar - once added to IE or Firefox, each time you shop at more than 1,300 stores (from Amazon to Zazzle!) a percentage of your purchase will automatically be donated to Love in the Name of Christ - Love INC - Brownsville - at no cost to you (and you may even save money as the toolbar provides coupons and deals as well!).

The toolbar also has a search box and each time you search the Internet, about a penny is donated to Love in the Name of Christ-Love INC-Brownsville.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Proverbs 19:17

If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord— and he will repay you! (New Living Translation)

Why Do We Call Them Love Stories?

Periodically, we publish stories of Love INC clients and call them Love Stories. Someone asked why we called them that, when that name could so easily be misunderstood. You could see that the person was thinking in terms of Love Story magazines, etc.

The answer is easy. It is because Love Stories is exactly what they are --- but stories of the only kind of true and lasting Love there is --- the Love of Jesus, shown from Him to us and then through us to others.

They not only illustrate what Love In the Name of Christ does and how the ministry helps churches to help people in need, but they also illustrate changes that this Love makes in the recipients’ lives.

The following is a Love Story waiting to happen:

A school counselor called the Love INC office saying a family needed “some” help. Love INC staff asked him to encourage the couple to call so that the application process could start. This is about a young couple who purchased a travel trailer and are trying to turn it into a home for themselves, their 3 children and the one on the way. Recently the mom developed some complications in her pregnancy and the dad’s hours were cut to 15 hours a week. The need is greater than the school counselor imagined. The one project (of several in progress) they most immediately want to finish is the shower. They have been unable to purchase the shower board and fixtures. An estimated cost of needed materials is $ 50-75.

Are you willing to be mobilized to transform lives?

Shower board & Fixtures needed for shower

fuse box

Where the sink will go

Friday, December 11, 2009

Modeling a Servant’s Heart for Your Children

Excerpt from

Love INC of Mecklenberg County Winter 2009 newsletter

There is a poem entitled “Children Learn What They Live” by Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D. The poem reminds is whatever a child lives with (sees, hears and experiences) is what they learn. In other words, it’s one thing to tell a child we are serving the Lord, it’s quite another for them to see us serving and joining us in that service! Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and don’t forbid them for the Kingdom of Heaven is made up of ones like these!” (Luke 18:16 NLT) How are they to learn about their importance in the kingdom of God if they don’t see for themselves your importance in the Kingdom?

Whenever you give “a cup of cold water” in the Name of Christ they should be involved in some small way and see you ministering. By your example, you are teaching them that everyone has worth to God and can serve Him. You are modeling Christ’s directive to care for the widows, the poor, the elderly, the disabled and the little children. You are following His command to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. You are “diligently teaching your children when you talk to them, when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up.” (Deut. 6:7 NKJV) You are letting them learn to do and not only as you say. You are helping them to find their place in God’s work. You are modeling a servant’s heart in the Name of Christ!

Mo Leverett, founder of Desire Street Ministries in New Orleans, LA, writes on this subject: “A lot of people use their children as an excuse for not entering into the work of mercy and justice, thinking that your primary objective is to protect your children. But your primary objective as a parent is not to protect your children. Your primary objective is to raise your children in the nurture and admonition of Christ. And what is the best context for that? It is where you are obeying Christ. Our children learn from our example and when we wall ourselves away from the problems of poverty, they learn. They think that Christianity is about sheltering yourself from these problems.”

Be merciful, just as your

Father is merciful.

Luke 6:36 (NIV)

Friday, November 20, 2009

updated November News

There are so many needs these days it seems almost impossible to meet them. But wait, there is at least one need that all of us can meet! Every client that is referred to Love INC is asked if they would be willing to accept a visit from a church in their area. Almost all say yes. This is such a great way for those in need to see God's love in action - Christians taking the time to meet them personally.

Special thanks to all Love INC supporters for assistance in meeting the needs of families this past month. Please continue to pray for office volunteers.

Please call the Love INC office @ 233-1844 if you can help with any of the following needs. Please reference the 5 digit number listed at the end of each request/need. Also, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have or if more information is needed.

· Wheelchair – dad (wife & 2 children) released from hospital after an injury. Unable to work for a while and not enough money to purchase a wheelchair. (Martin Elementary area) [07A09]

· Ceiling fan – elderly lady in need of a ceiling fan. (Pt Isabel) [08A09]

· Dresser – disabled vet moved to the area for the warm weather. (lamp – pending) {Olmito} [09C09] PENDING

· 1 full size bed & 2 twin size beds; table & chairs – formerly homeless family on limited income with 2 children in need of beds (a full size and a couple of twins or even some air mattresses). (downtown Brownsville) [09D09]

· Work – 1 single mom looking for any type of work to help support their families. (near the Brownsville Public Library) [09F09]

· Stove – family on limited income in need of a stove. FM 802 & Hwy 48 area [09H09]

· 4 twin beds (2 sets of bunk beds); houseware; curtains & towels - Single mom on disability income with five children. (Laurles/Los Fresnos) [09I09]

· 9 twin beds - Family of nine in need of beds. Beds are pending but need transportation to pick up in South Padre Island and deliver near Alton Gloor & Paredes Line Rd [09K09]

· 10 twin beds - Family of ten in need of beds. Beds are pending, but need transportation to pick up in South Padre Island and deliver near Southmost Rd & 30th St .[10A09]

· Table &chairs and children’s clothes - Family of three recently moved from Houston, TX, on limited income. Boys clothing size 12 & 10; girls clothes size 7. Near UTB. (10B09)

· 4 twins beds; dresser & blender - (2-set of bunk beds) Family of five, relocated from N. Carolina and on limited income. (Olmito) [10C09] blender is PENDING

· Table & chairs, full-size bed - Family just moved from Florida and they are unemployed at the moment. (in Brownsville near Morningside Rd & Southmost Rd) [10D09]

· 4 twin beds (or air mattresses) & blankets - Single mom with six children on limited income.(near Palm Blvd & Levee in Brownsville) [10E09]

· 3 Twin Beds - Family of five in need of three twin beds. Parents are currently unemployed. (near the airport in Brownsville) [10G09]

· Coffee table, dishes – formerly homeless, disabled woman on SSI, was just blessed with a couch, is in need of a coffee table & dishes. (in Brownsville near Russell Elementary) [11A09]

· Refrigerator & stove – single mother with four children on a limited income. Refrigerator not working & the stove has 2 working burner. (Los Fresnos) [11B09]


There are many roles that we can take when responding to HIS call; consider the role God has for you in the ministry of LOVE In The Name of Christ.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November News

It seems almost impossible to meet these needs, but there is one need that everyone can help meet. Every one that calls is asked if they would be willing to accept a visit from a church in their area. Almost all say yes. This is such a great way to show God's love in action - to go out to their homes and pray with them.

Special thanks to all Love INC supporters for assistance in meeting the needs of families this past month. Please continue to pray for office volunteers.

Help Needed

The Coast Guard will be donating 20 racks (bunkbeds - no mattresses). They will be going to 2 families in Brownsville with 10 children each.

A few trucks will be needed to pick up the beds in South Padre Island and delivered. 10 will go to a family that lives near Parede Line Rd & Alton Gloor Blvd and the other 10 will go to a family that lives near Southmost Rd & 30th St.

We don't have an exact date on when the beds will be ready to be picked up, but if you think you can help - please call the Love INC office.

Thank you so much for your willingness to serve.


1 full size Bed & 2 twin size beds - migrant family with 6 children back down and are in need of a beds - full size and a couple of twins. (Valley Baptist Hospital-Brownsville area) [06A09]

Work - single woman recently moved back to the area and looking for work in the Brownsville-area. (06C09)

Dresser - family with 3 children just moved into an apartment from a small trailer. (Los Fresnos) [06G09]

Wheelchair - dad (wife & 2 children) released from hospital after an injury. Unable to work for a while and not enough money to purchase a wheelchair. (Martin Elementary area) [07A09]

Wheelchair - bone cancer patient on limited income. (
Central Ave & Austin Rd) [07I09]

Ceiling fan - elderly lady in need of a ceiling fan. (Pt Isabel) [08A09]

Dresser - disabled vet moved to the area for the warm weather. {Olmito} [09C09]

1 full size bed & 2 twin size beds; table & chairs - formerly homeless family on limited income with 2 children in need of beds (a full size and a couple of twins or even some air mattresses). (downtown
Brownsville) [09D09]

Work - 1 single mom looking for any type of work to help support their families. (near the Brownsville Public Library) [09F09]

Stove - family on limited income in need of a stove. FM 802 & Hwy 48 area [09H09]

Beds , houseware, curtains, towels - Single mom on limited income, with five children

9 twin beds - Family of nine ,on a limited income in need of beds. Beds are pending but need transportation to pick up in South Padre Island and deliver near Alton Gloor & Paredes Line Rd [09K09]

10 twin beds - Family of ten, on limited income Beds are pending, but need transportation to pick up in South Padre Island and deliver near Southmost Rd & 30th St .[10A09]

Table & chairs - Family of three, moved from Houston, on limited income, needing table & chairs. Near UTB. (10B09)

4 twin beds (2-sets of bunk beds), blender - Family of five relocated from N. Carolina, on a limited income.(Olmito) [10C09]

Table & chairs, double bed - Family just moved from Florida and they are unemployed at the moment. (
Morningside Rd & Southmost Rd) (10D09)

Housing, mattresses, blankets - Single mom with six children (one newborn), looking for affordable housing, something to sleep on - even an air mattress or sleeping bag and some blankets, on limited income.(Palm Blvd & Levee St) (10E09)

3 twin Beds - Family of five in need of three twin beds. Unemployed at the moment.(near
Brownsville airport) (10G09)

Angel Food is available in a quantity that can fit into a medium-sized box at $30 per unit. Each month's menu is different than the previous month and consists of both fresh and frozen items with an average retail value of approximately $60.

Generally, one unit of food assists in feeding a family of four for about one week or a single senior citizen for almost a month. The food is all the same high quality one could purchase at a grocery store. There are no second-hand items, no damaged or out-dated goods, no dented cans without labels, no day-old breads and no produce that is almost too ripe.

There are no restrictions, conditions or forms to fill out to purchase Angel Food. The food relief program is open to one and all. Anyone may purchase an unlimited number of boxes of Angel Food by placing an order with a local Angel Food host site.

Three local sites to order from: Living Bread Ministries in
Brownsville (call 956-504-1410 or 956-455-7977 for more information); Christ's Harbor Church in Laguna Vista (call 956-943-5595 for more information); and Reyes Seafood Restaurant in Laguna Heights (call 956-943-9551 for more information).

Please announce the needs list to your congregation, put in your bulletin, post on your bulletin board or display electronically prior to your services. As always - thank you for all you do!!

Mimi Price
, Executive Director

Love In the Name of Christ (love INC)
(956) 233-1486 - Client line
(956) 233-1844 - Office
(956) 233-1846 - FAX

Monday, November 2, 2009

November Angel Food Menu

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Christ’s Harbor Church

We Accept Food Stamps (EBT).

Angel Food Ministries is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Complaints of discrimination should be sent to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,
Washington, DC 20250-9410

Angel Food Ministries Reserves the Right to Substitute Any of the Above Items Due to Availability, Cost and Quality

Ordering and Pickup Information – Laguna Vista, Texas

On site Order Deadline: 11/8/09 11:59 PM Local Time

Online Order Deadline: 11/11/09 11:59 AM Eastern Time


Distribution Date: Saturday – 11/21/09 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Local Time

Pickup Location:

Christ’s Harbor Church

1154 Santa Isabel Blvd
Laguna Vista, Texas 78578

Pickup Time:

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

We look forward to seeing you!!!



Please go to the following locations to order:
Harbor Church

1441 Santa Isabel Blvd.

Laguna Vista, TX


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Reyes Seafood Restaurant

We Accept Food Stamps (EBT).

Angel Food Ministries is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Complaints of discrimination should be sent to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,
Washington, DC 20250-9410

Angel Food Ministries Reserves the Right to Substitute Any of the Above Items Due to Availability, Cost and Quality

Ordering and Pickup Information – Laguna Heights, Texas

Deadline Ordering: Saturday – 11/7/09

Distribution Date: Saturday – 11/21/09

Pickup Location:

Reyes Seafood Restaurant

716 Hwy 100

Laguna Heights, Texas

Pickup Time:

After 12:00 pm

We look forward to seeing you!!!



Please go to the following locations to order:
Reyes Seafood Restaurant

716 Hwy 100

Laguna Heights, TX 78578


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Living Bread Ministries

We Accept Food Stamps (EBT).

Angel Food Ministries is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Complaints of discrimination should be sent to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,
Washington, DC 20250-9410

Angel Food Ministries Reserves the Right to Substitute Any of the Above Items Due to Availability, Cost and Quality

Ordering and Pickup Information - Brownsville, Texas

On site Order Deadline: 11/11/09 11:59 PM Local Time

Online Order Deadline: 11/11/09 11:59 AM Eastern Time

Distribution Date: Saturday – 11/21/09 09:30 AM – 11:00 AM Local Time

Pickup Location:

Faith Church

1154 Los Ebanos Blvd.
Brownsville, Texas 78520

(Corner of Los Ebanos and Barnard)

Pickup Time:

9:30am - 11:00am

We look forward to seeing you!!!


Personal checks are not accepted

Please go to the following locations to order:
Excell Auto Services -
1604 E. 7th St. - during normal working hours

Mr. James Brown's home - 4743 Las Palomas St. (off Alton Gloor Rd.)
PLEASE call before coming: 544-6868 or 455-3277