Tuesday, July 8, 2008

James 1:27

The call came in mid-morning on a Monday. A young mom with 3 children under age 6 desperately needed help. Her husband had been killed in an auto accident six weeks earlier and she was trying to start over in a small apartment close to her in-laws. As the intake worker took her information – the dire situation this young woman was in was overwhelming and she was trying to figure out how these needs were ever going to get met? No promises could be made, but the worker told the young mom that once her application was verified, the needs would be made known to the churches on the list which we send out bi-monthly; and started praying. Twin beds for her boys; a window A/C unit for the bedroom; a refrigerator, dining table, clothes for her 18 month old, and a washing machine were her major concerns along with an urgent prayer that her husband’s death certificate would be released so she could apply for whatever benefits were available as she had no income at all. An extremely tall order but with God, all things are possible.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27

This is the Scripture the Love INC staff had been given. Events have shown that God had the situation under control before the need was even made known to us.

Many things were happening without our knowledge that, over a short period of time, have shown us how adjectives are impotent to describe how great our Lord is and how, through His church, He was going to be taking care of these orphans and their mother.

This young widow had been unable to get things straightened out with the Social Security Administration because her husband’s death certificate had not been released. Staff and volunteers at the Love INC office started praying for direction and wisdom. A simple call to DPS helped take care of the death certificate and the widow got her appointment with the Social Security Administration to register for survivor’s benefits.

Our director was talking to the pastor of one of the participating churches about another need when she mentioned this case and as it turned out he happened to have been at the scene of the accident where this young mother’s husband was killed. He was asked to please go visit her and pray with her and ask the Lord for wisdom for Love INC as to how assess the best way to help her and he instantly agreed. We shared a few of the needs with the pastor and he mentioned that the church would have a refrigerator available in a few days and could take it to her. A few weeks before this need came to the clearinghouse, someone had made a donation of a dining room table and someone else, a trundle bed to Christ’s Harbor and these were taken to her by members from Los Fresnos Church of Christ and BCF.

The Love INC office received a call from someone at BCF that was moving out of state and they had a window A/C unit and microwave oven available for this family.

And on it goes. As you can imagine, this one family’s needs are on-going. So are the needs of others in our community. Through your heart, help and hands God is making a difference: showing his goodness and love.

Honestly, there are times when we are overwhelmed by the needs which come through our office and are sent out to the local churches and wonder if they are being read. This case, among others, has shown this family in need as well as Love INC staff and volunteers not only that God cares for us but that He is actively interested in our needs and will demonstrate His love for us.

Dale House & Nate from Los Fresnos Church of Christ picking up trundle bed

Pastor Chris Edge from Abundant Life Church helping load items

This is the refrigerator donated by Los Fresnos Church of Christ.