by Robert Odom
excerpt from the Love INC National Newsletter Fall 2009
At the Love INC National Directors Retreat in April, Sister Josephe Marie Flynn shared a story about a class of high school seniors that she was teaching. She had posed the following question to her students, “If I asked you to take me to see Jesus, where would you take me?” One young man, the rowdiest, biggest troublemaker, answered, “I can take you to see Jesus.” Sister Josephe said. “Where?” He said, “I can take you to see my mom. Something happened to her and she’s totally changed. It’s like Jesus is living inside her.” Sister Josephe shared that not long after, she started to see a difference in that young man. His life was changing because he could see Jesus in his mom.
I’ve thought a lot about Josephe’s question. There are more than 37 million poor men, women and children in our country. Can they see Jesus through us, His Church? In their isolation, can they see the community of the Body of Christ?
As large and daunting as the challenge of poverty in
No one should ever have to ask us to take them to see Jesus, because they should see Jesus in us. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. On behalf of the poor,

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