Thursday, April 8, 2010

God’s Economy - Are You Invested?

Love INC National Newsletter Spring 2010

Our nation’s economy has been sorely weakened over the last two years. Millions of jobs have been lost, benefits cut, investments diminished. For millions of families without a financial cushion to absorb these blows, their situation is often dire. Already living, on the edge, the numbers just don’t add up for them anymore. They are experiencing unprecedented hardships and need unprecedented support.

OUR CALL Christ calls on us as His followers to love our neighbors, and He has made it clear that love involves tangible action. Love must be demonstrated in deed to further the word of the Gospel. But loving our neighbors as Christ loved is not just a general feeling of goodwill; Jesus challenged His disciples to meet people where they were, and to love them in ways that addressed their specific needs.

WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER God created each of us with unique gifts and abilities, to be used to serve Him and others. In God’s economy, every person has talents that can be invested. Through prayer, acts of service, encouragement of others, or financial giving, we can each take part in furthering the work of God’s economy – and the return on our investment is eternal.

God’s economy is infinitely loving and amazingly efficient. He uses the diversity of Christians’ talents and skills to be a resource for the hurting and the needy. And when we make ourselves and our abilities available for God’s use, we can become the channel He uses to answer the prayers of those in need. Just as He planned.

GROWING GOD’S ECONOMY – Love In the Name of Christ is a catalyst that helps equip Christians to reach out in active love, mobilizes churches to work together in unity, and offers a framework for meeting the needs of those who pray for help. Love INC comes alongside churches to help them more effectively and efficiently spread God’s love and invest in god’s economy.

God has established the work of Love INC in 144 communities across the country. For such a time as this, we have a vision to significantly expand our reach to touch more lives in the name of Christ. But we cannot do this alone. We need your support.


Pray for the ministry of Love In the Name of Christ.

Find us online –Facebook and Twitter- and join the dialog about living out our faith in love.

Prayerfully consider making a financial contribution to the growth of the ministry of love In the Name of Christ.


8.4 million. American jobs lost since the recession started in 2007.

39.8 million. Americans living in poverty.

5.5%. Increase in married-couple families living in poverty.

1 in 8. Americans receiving emergency food through food banks and agencies – a 46 percent increase since 2006.

70%. Food pantries facing one or more problems that threaten their ability to continue operating.

46.3 million. American without health insurance coverage.

61%. Rise in homelessness since the foreclosure crisis began in 2007.

Double. Rate of growth of suburban poverty over inner city poverty from 2000 to 2008.

Most. Payday lending centers concentrated in poor and minority communities.

652%. Payday loan interest rate in Montana.

40. Years since the federal government updated the formula used to determine poverty levels in America.