Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Being Generous as God Leads

As we seek to trust God and follow His will in all things and in all circumstances, we will learn His heart and our calling to be generous in all things. His wish for us is to help each other by giving our time, sharing the knowledge we possess, and giving of our financial resources. Why? It’s what Jesus did!

When you have opportunities shown to you, do you volunteer your time to help a neighbor? Perhaps you help out around your church on clean-up and repair day. Maybe you even volunteer your time, car and gas to take someone who can’t get to the doctor or grocery shop on their own. What a way to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

How many times have you helped by teaching others using the knowledge you gained from years of plying a trade or working in a special field? Or perhaps you’re coaching a team using your athletic skills. It is truly awesome to give away what God has given to us. It’s a joyful experience to share with others!

Have you put money in the fireman’s boot to help those with MS? Do you take a meal to the homeless mom you pass every day on the way to take the kids to school or drive to work? Is it an important part of your weekly or monthly schedule to make a gift to your church and other Christian ministries in your area? All of these examples represent ways YOU are generous as God leads.

The Love INC board and staff thank each and every one of you for listening to God’s voice and acting on His request of you. Just one simple act of kindness, one instance of shared time, just one gift to an organization seeking to change lives for Christ, will impact many. May you continue to heed God’s voice and be blessed in all you do as you carry out the Great Commission.