“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, 6so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 15:5,6 NIV
Love INC was founded in 1977 as a way to encourage churches to become more engaged with the poor and to inspire a greater number of Christians to put their faith in action.
Love INC's founder, Dr. Virgil Gulker, was a social worker and outreach director in
It was clear to Dr. Gulker that if churches were to better serve their communities, they needed leadership, organization, training, encouragement, and prayer. He developed the Love INC model to fill these critical roles. Love INC taught churches to assess their capabilities, and it unified local congregations so that, working together, they could more effectively help their neighbors.
One man's idea for an integrated church ministry in
There are more than 135 Love INC affiliates across the country, representing a network of nearly 9,000 churches, 6,000 community agencies, and more than 300,000 volunteers. Every affiliate is a local network of Christian churches, representing different denominations, working cooperatively with community-based organizations to met needs in the community.
Every affiliate is individually incorporated and is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization with its own board of directors, executive director, staff and volunteers. Together these affiliates represent a national movement of churches and community organizations working cooperatively on behalf of people in need.
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