Love INC mobilizes the Church – THE BODY OF CHRIST – to work together, across denominational lines, to bring about
transformation in the lives of people in need,
The needs can seem overwhelming. Unemployment, home foreclosures, personal bankruptcies – all of these sky-rocketed to record levels last year as our nation plunged into economic crisis. Millions of families slid into poverty, struggling to pay bills and keep food on the table. Senior citizens made hard choices between needed medications and keeping the electricity on. Parents lost their homes to foreclosure and found themselves sleeping in the car with their kids. Young children went to school hungry. Single moms lost jobs they had held for years, and cancelled necessary medical procedures because they no longer had health insurance.
How can we make a difference in the face of such enormous challenges? How can we impact an issue as large and complex as poverty in our nation? To find the answer, we need to ask ourselves another question. “What can I do?” Each of us has God-given gifts, talents, and resources that can impact the life of someone in need. And when we come together as the Body of Christ, each of us doing our part, God can use us to change lives and communities in His name.
Love In the Name of Christ provides Christians with specific, manageable opportunities to use their gifts, talents, and resources to help their neighbors in need. Love INC mobilizes the Church – The Body of Christ – to work together, across denominational lines, to bring about transformation in the lives of people in need, one life at a time.

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